Common ₵ents water and erosion control is another important division of Meyer Landscaping Inc., providing practical solutions for water problems. Removing, diverting and/or eliminating water from entering structures and foundations and eliminating saturated areas on your property. Proper drainage in the shrub beds, gardens and turf areas is also crucial and go hand in hand with maintaining plant health, a lush lawn and a beautiful property. The Common ₵ents division specializes in the following types of erosion, drainage, surface water control, and general waterproofing solutions.
Erosion/Water-Control, and Drainage
Catch Basins
Catch basins are installed to collect surface run off. The collected water is then extended underground using schedule 35 or 40 PVC pipe. The catch basin is made of a polymer concrete product (stronger than concrete) with a metal grate cover.
Grading or the art of changing the altering the existing soil level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface is performed to divert surface water that is less substantial. Grading may also involve filling a low or depressed area in a lawn area or planting bed to eliminate water from collecting in specific areas.
Gutter Downspout Extensions
Extending your gutter downspouts underground using schedule 35 or 40 PVC pipe assists in eliminating excess water at the foundation of a structure.
Rip Rap and Shoreline Stabilization
Rip Rap is a term used to describe large sometimes 6”-8” limestone rock. Rip Rap is installed over a synthetic drainage fabric when the erosion is very substantial. Shoreline Stabilization is performed by properly installing a synthetic drainage fabric and Rip Rap (or a variety of stone can be used) around the shoreline of lakes or ponds to reduce erosion.
Rock Lined Channels
Rock lined channels are constructed when the surface water is so great that erosion may occur. The sub grade is usually contoured similar to a swale. The channel is lined with a synthetic drainage fabric and backfilled with rock to slow the surface water. Rock lined channels can be constructed to channel surface water through or along the perimeter of lawn areas and planting beds as well as along sidewalks, patios, driveways even roadways. The rock, depending on the location and application, is available in a variety of sizes and colors.
Sub-Grade Drainage Systems
*under drains*
Under drains collect sub surface moisture or allows surface water to penetrate downward into a trench that consists of a perforated pipe embedded in clean rock lined with a synthetic drainage fabric. The trench is then covered with topsoil and seed or sod or planting medium and mulch. Under drains can be installed along foundations or in relatively flat lawn areas or planting beds.
*French drains*
French drains collect sub surface and/or surface water. French drains are typically used along foundations when the surface water cannot be diverted by creating positive drainage away from a structure. French drains are usually installed on the exterior of a structure but in some severe cases the installation of an interior drain line is required.
*interior drains*
Interior drain lines are installed when water is gaining access into the foundation of the structure where the floor and the walls come together. Performed by removing the floor (usually concrete) and excavating a trench. P gravel is then installed on the top of the footing. The trench is then lined with a synthetic drainage fabric and a perforated pipe is installed embedded in clean rock. The floor is then re installed with new concrete. The collected water is deposited into a pit and pumped to the exterior of the structure with the aid of a sump pump and a 1 ½ – 2” PVC pipe. The water is then extended underground in a schedule 35 PVC pipe away from the structure.
Surface Water Diversions
The finish grade is contoured to collect surface water and divert the water away from structures or assist with the positive drainage through lawns and planting beds.
Berms are constructed by raising the existing grade to divert surface water away from structures and plantings. Some circumstances require using a berm in conjunction with a catch basin to trap the surface water and divert it into the catch basin.
*timber diversion*
Timber diversions are used when a swale or a berm cannot be constructed to divert surface water.
Trench Drains
Trench drains are typically installed in hard surfaces (i.e. driveways, patios) to collect surface water. The outlet pipe beneath hard surfaces is always schedule 40 PVC pipe. Schedule 35 PVC pipe is used beneath turf areas or shrub beds. The trench drain is made of a polymer concrete product (stronger than concrete) with a cast iron grate with your choice of designs.
Window Well Drains
Window well drains are installed when the finish grade is higher than the windows of the basement. The water is either diverted from inside the window well with a cover or an outlet pipe is installed beneath the window well.